If you have difficulties to change the expectation salary, you can follow these steps below:
- Do not forget to sign in and to go to your profile.
- After that, scroll down your profile and then find the "Job Interests & Preferences" section and then click "Edit".
- The pop up will appear and click "Preferences".
- You can setup your salary expectation and change the currency based on your preferences.
- Scroll down, and click "Save" to save the changes.
Glints App
- Download Glints App with the latest update version. Then you login.
- Choose the "Me" (Saya) section, and click "Job Interests & Preferences" (Preferensi Kerja).
- Click "Monthly Salary Expectation" (Ekspektasi Gaji Bulanan).
- You can setup your salary expectation and change the currency based on your preferences. Atur Ekspektasi gaji bulanan Anda sesuai dengan pengalaman atau keinginan Anda. click "Save" (Simpan) to save the changes.
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