If you are using https://employers.glints.id website, then you can refer to the Glints Subscription Plan on the following page.
Glints Subscription Plan is a recruitment solution that makes it easy for companies to get the right candidates.
Our plans offer you unlimited flexibility and access to customize your hiring process. You can set any number of active job listings as needed and manage as much account access as you require to handle candidates. Whether you want to contact candidates in advance or wait for them to apply for a job, everything can be arranged.
When you first sign up or create an account, you'll automatically be on the "Standard" plan, where you can post a maximum of five job listings at the same time.
To view your Subscription Plan in the Glints Employer app, you can refer to the "Account" menu, then select "Subscription Plan".
Here, you can see several plan options to suit your needs.
If you decide to "Renew" or change your current plan, you can simply select the subscription plan that suits your needs, then click "Pick This Plan".
You will be asked to fill in some of the information listed below so that we can process it further. Please complete all the information, then click "Submit".
If you need customize plan or other assistance, you can select "Book a Consultation".
Once you submit the request, our Sales team will process it immediately and contact you. Please allow up to 1 business day for our Sales team to review and confirm your plan request.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the payment of your plan, please feel free to contact our Sales team or email us at hello@glints.com. You can also shake your device when you open the app and report it via Instabug.
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