Our team has a strict policy for verifying companies and jobs posted on our website. We conduct this review process carefully to ensure the authenticity of the company and prevent potential fraud that can harm various parties. Therefore, the verification process usually takes a maximum of 2 working days from the time you submit the required legal documents.
During the process of verifying the company's account, you can already start posting a job. However, please note that your job listing will temporarily be marked as "Under Review" until your company has been verified.
Additionally, we understand that there are situations where verification may take more time than expected. If you have submitted the required legal documents for the verification of your company account, and more than 2 working days have passed without verification, you can contact us via email at hello@glints.com with the subject "Company Account Verification".
In the email, please attach the following information:
Name of Person in Charge (PIC) from your company:
Your company's full name:
Registered phone number:
The email address registered to your company account:
Attachment of NPWP/NIB/SIUP document [color ver]:
We will assist you in completing your company account verification process so that you can make better use of our services. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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