If you have registered an account but discover that your company is already registered on Glints, instead of creating a new company account, you can simply join the existing company by following these steps:
- Go to https://employers.glints.com/login.
- Login with your registered account and you will be redirected to the creation company page. If it doesn't, please click the "Create A Company" button on the navigation bar.
- Type in the existing company name (e.g: PT. ABC), click the existing company on the list of dropdown.
- On confirmation page, click the "Send Request" button.
- You will be redirected to the Dashboard with pending request information. Please reach out to your coworker who are listed as Administrator under the existing company for approval.
What if I don't know which coworker is listed as the Administrator on my company account?
If you are unsure about the coworker registered as the Administrator, you can contact our team via email at hello@glints.com with the subject "Add Team Members Request" and attach the company NPWP. Our team will assist you in adding members to your company account.
If you have any questions or encounter issues while joining the existing company, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at hello@glints.com or WhatsApp.
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