Please note that the company posting the job openings oversees the full recruitment process through Glints. Glints functions as a platform where employers list available positions and applicants submit their applications. Therefore, the length of each stage in the process may vary.
To see your application status in Glints, you can do in these following ways:
- Make sure that you already login into your Glints account.
- Click the dropdown sign in beside the logo profile in the home page, then click "My Application".
- You will be directed to the page which indicate how much you've applied the jobs all the time.
- Then you can scroll down and you will see the application you have applied with the status application. Or you can click the each stage of the status application that you want to see at the left side of the page.
- Also, you can use the "Sort By" feature to sort the application from the Most Recent or from the Oldest one.
You can refer to the following article to learn the definition of each application status you've received. Additionally, please note that if recruiter changes your status to "In Communication" or "Hired", it is recommended to check your email regularly for the latest updates from recruiter. We also highly recommend downloading the Glints app and using the Chat to Apply feature to communicate proactively with recruiter in real-time, making your application process smoother and faster.
If you encounter any issues with searching for job listings or using filters on the Glints website, please contact us via email at or WhatsApp.
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