To view the profiles of applicants applying to your company, follow these steps:
Sign in to your employer account.
Select 'Active' or 'Inactive' job posts to see the applicants you want to refer on the Dashboard menu. After that, click "Manage Candidate".
Choose the applicant whose profile you want to view.
In this section, you can see the "Profile Summary" and "Resume" section. It consists of the information of the candidates, such as the summary, job preferences, years of experiences, and skills.
- If an applicant has submitted their CV/Resume while applying through your job post, it will be visible in the "Resume" section as follows:
- If applicants do not submit it, a notification will appear in the "Resume" section advising you to start a chat with applicants to use the "Request CV" feature so that they can send their CV to you.
For your information, you can also perform a CSV Download of candidates who have applied to your job postings. However, this feature is only available in certain subscription plan options. Click the following page to learn more about CSV Download.
If you have any questions or encounter issues, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at or WhatsApp.
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