We have implemented a system that allows you to apply for jobs through the app using the Chat to Apply feature. With this feature, you can apply for a job and then be directed to the chat page to start a conversation directly with the recruiter.
After applying for several jobs and communicating with recruiters, the chat room will appear as follows:
However, in certain situations, your chat with a recruiter may not be visible, even if you have previously applied for a job and communicated with them. This may happen because we have implemented a chat restriction system, where if no conversation occurs for more than 30 days since the last chat, the chat will be hidden.
That said, you can still continue your conversation with the recruiter. If the chat is no longer visible because it has exceeded the 30-day limit, simply reopen the conversation by following these steps:
Go to the "Me" menu, then click on "Applied".
Select the job listing you want to check. Please note that the applications displayed in this section are only those submitted within the last 90 days.
Click on the job listing, then select "Chat with Hiring Manager".
You will be prompted to resend an introduction message (using the template we have provided) as the initial conversation with the recruiter. After that, click "Start Chat", and you can resume your conversation with the recruiter.
Please note that if you have previously communicated with the recruiter, your chat history will not appear in full. Only the last 2-3 lines of the previous conversation will be visible. This policy is in place to ensure that chat conversations remain relevant and up-to-date. In general, recruitment processes rarely extend beyond 30 days within a single conversation. Therefore, this rule encourages you to be more proactive in following up on your applications.
With this system, you can restart the conversation with the recruiter if you are still interested in the position without relying on old chats that may no longer be relevant.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us via email at hi@glints.com, or you can shake your device and report the issue through Instabug.
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