If you want to create new company/employer account, please follow these steps:
Make sure that you have downloaded the app with the latest version. Open the app, and choose "Login as Employer".
After that, click "Register Now". Fill in the information needed on the columns, then click "Register as Employer".
You will be redirected to check on your registered email as part of email verification. You can check on your inbox and click the link.
After the email has been verified, then you will be redirected to the create company page. Please note that if you are a new employer account or the company account has never been created/registered at Glints, then you can fill in all the information, including your company logo. You can continue by clicking "Create New Company".
You will automatically be redirected to create job page (refer to this article for posting a job on the app). You can continue to create you job here, and post it. After that, you can refer to the Dashboard page which telling you that your job listing is under review.
We suggest you to upload your legal documents as part of your company verification process. If your company is verified, then your job listing can be posted publicly and accessible to the candidates as well.
I have already had a company/employer account that registered at Glints
Please note that if you meet the condition above, then you cannot join the existing company through the app. However, you can do it through website by referring to this article. After that, you are able to set up your account settings.
If you have any questions or face a problem on sign up your account, please reach out to us through email at hello@glints.com or shake your device to report it through Instabug.
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